Rules of Engagement
For prospective new members:
- Each prospective new member will be prescreened for appropriateness and overlap of products/services provided by at least three (3) existing members and one (1) Steering Committee Member. These members will then make a recommendation to the Membership Committee regarding the offer of membership, a declination of an offer of membership, or further action.
- If there is the potential for conflict between a prospective new member and an existing member, the existing member will be given the opportunity to interview the prospective member in order to determine whether or not the conflict would be enough to prohibit the prospective member’s entry into the Group.
- Prospective new member achieves a majority vote by the Membership Committee.
For Members:
- Once a member has been admitted, they will commit to attending as many regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Group as possible, in order to make their membership meaningful. In order to participate as a member of the Group in a meaningful way, a member should attend at least [70%] of the annual meetings and various networking events/socials that are periodically scheduled.
- In addition to the regularly scheduled monthly breakfast meetings, each member should commit to one-on-one meetings with other members, in order to more fully explain their products/services to the other member and to understand the products/services of the other member. These one-on-one meetings should take place at least annually, although individual members may decide to meet more frequently, due to mutual referral flow.
- It is an expectation that each member must be willing to make referrals to each of the other members. These referrals may be direct (e. g., to a prospect that can use the member’s product/service) or indirect (to other people who are likely referrers of that member’s product/service).
- Reciprocity from member to member is not expected or required. Rather, it is expected that a member will, due to the nature of their businesses, receive more referrals from some members than others, and give more referrals to some members than others.
Yearly Membership Renewal:
- Membership renewal is NOT guaranteed.
- Attendance and history with the group will determine which person becomes or remains a member. Any member who misses 3-4 meetings for any reason, shall be subject to having their membership terminated at the sole discretion of the Steering Committee. Although the reasons for an absence do not excuse the absence, the reasons will be one of the factors considered by the Steering Committee in determining whether the membership of the member who is absent three times or more within the membership year period should be terminated. Other factors that the Steering Committee will take into account include, but are not limited to, the length of membership, the level of involvement and activity of the member in the various aspects of Bridges (including referrals, bringing guests to meetings, sharing information and taking responsibility for activities within Bridges).
- When a member leaves, that industry position will then be open to previous guests as well as new guests until the group has voted in a new member for that industry position.
Handling of Referrals
- A referral from a member to another member will result in the receiving member placing a phone call to the person referred within [three (3) days’] of said introduction. If a member receiving a referral cannot make contact with the person referred within that time frame, due to legitimate business reasons, then it is mandatory that the referring member be notified in order to manage the expectations of the person to be contacted.
- There is no expectation that the receiving member must do business with the person referred. There is an expectation, however, that if the receiving member decides not to do business with the person referred, that the reasons be clearly outlined to the referring member.
- In all cases, resolution of the referral should be communicated to the referring member.
- In most cases, membership in the Group and the receipt of referrals is sufficient compensation for each member. In certain circumstances, however, it may be appropriate for members to offer and receive payment for referrals made, and these arrangements may be made between members.
Annual Dues
- Annual dues for the period of January 1st to December 31st are $600.00 and are due upon receipt of invoice. If the dues are not paid before the start of the February meeting, the member’s membership shall be terminated.
- Membership for the first year will be paid in full, regardless of when the member joins. During the second year of membership the dues will be prorated to reflect the overpayment in year 1. Dues will not be refunded if a member is terminated from or leaves Bridges during a dues year.
Leaving the Group
- The success of the Group and its members will be measured by effort and activity. While there won’t be quotas for individual members’ activity level, we should be able to tell over time when a member is not truly participating.
· In the event that a member is deemed to be unproductive or counterproductive, then steps should be taken to either coach that member to improve interactions, or to ask that member to resign from the Group. Unproductive/Counterproductive could be defined as follows:
Ø Pattern of improper handling of referrals.
Ø Not offering referrals to other members.
Ø Attending less than 70% of the annual meetings (i.e. missing more than 3-4 meeting per year). Any member who misses 3-4 meetings for any reason, shall be subject to having their membership terminated at the sole discretion of the Steering Committee. Although the reasons for an absence do not excuse the absence, the reasons will be one of the factors considered by the Steering Committee in determining whether the membership of the member who is absent three (3) times or more times within the membership year period should be terminated. Other factors that the Steering Committee will take into account include, but are not limited to, the length of membership, the level of involvement and activity of the member in the various aspects of Bridges (including referrals, bringing guests to meetings, sharing information and taking responsibility for activities within Bridges).
Ø Not paying for annual membership dues in a timely manner. (Net 45 days after invoiced date)
Ø Not participating on a regular basis in 1-on-1 meetings during the month.
NOTE: If a member’s membership is terminated pursuant to this policy, there shall be no refund of any portion of the membership fee.
We view the members of this Group as “Spokes on a Wheel” to give the group support and strength. As such, it is important for each member to abide by the expectations of the Group, and respect each other’s practices and clients as we strive to grow our respective businesses.